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Canonically between github:andreijiroh-dev/dotfiles and but also in the works for sourcehut mirror.



Setting up a new system

Basically followed ~sircmpwn's blog on how did he setup his dotfiles repo on a new system.

# cd to $HOME
cd ~
# pro tip: "command -v git" first before running (maybe "nix-shell -p gitFull"
# first if we're in nix environment)
git init

# check the URLs above for hints
git remote add hub
git remote add lab
git fetch --all

# force checkout to the branch for that host
git checkout -f nixpkgs # nixpkgs defaults
git checkout -f termux # termux

git submdoule update --init

Since our configurations are managed by home-manager, we need to run do the following commands, assuming nix-commands and flakes feature flags are enabled (see userspace nix.conf for hints and context)

# local copy / submodule
nix run home-manager/master -- switch --flake .config/nixos # flake mode
nix run home-manager/master -- switch # plain flakeless mode

# or just use the flake remotely without cloning it
nix run home-manager/master -- switch --flake github:andreijiroh-dev/nixops-config

Reusing configs in other systems

Think of Nest and Project Segfault for the Nix-based setups.

Instead of having to polluting things a la yadm, we'll use Git branches as a hack or workaround (depending on your vocabulary) and some quick edits should do at least,